• 북마크
  • 접속자 53
재미 인하대학교 동문회


[시카고] 전국수학경시대회중 시카고지역 일정 알림

2008.04.04 14:56 3,285 0
  • - 첨부파일 : KSEA_2008_NMC_Ad2.ppt (671.0K) - 다운로드


아래는 재미과학기술자협회 전국수학경시대회 시카고 지역 일정 알림입니다.

The KSEA National Math contest is once again scheduled for April 19.
KSEA-Midwest chapter wishes to invite you once to this event again this year.
The purpose of the event is to invoke interest of the Korean-American students in mathematics.
Please refer to the following:

- Place: Northesatern Illinois University (same place as last year)
- Date:  April 19
- Eligibility: 4-11 grade
- Registration Fee:  $25 (Online Registration by 4/14)
                     $35 (On-site Registration)
- On-line Registration & Details:  www.kseamw.org --> NMC Home

There will be also interesting and helpful seminars, awards and presents to all the participants.
We wish you will take participate in this event once again this year.

best regards,

댓글목록 0

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
전체 45 건 - 1 페이지
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