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유수현 동문의 신사업 매직 laundry ball

2010.05.10 20:36 2,174 3


벌써 필라댕겨 온지도 보름이 저만큼 갔건만 바쁘다는 핑게로 이제서야 전 필라동문회장 유수현 동문의 새사업을 소개드립니다

유동문은 요즈음 친환경 제품인 바이오 Laundry Ball의 미 동북부 총판권을 취득하고 신사업을 열심히 추진중입니다. 저가 지난번 필라동문들과 식사하고 난후 유동문의 사업체인 청담사우나를 방문하고 그 신기한 바이오 Laudry Ball을 하나 받아와서 우리집 사람을 통해서 사용해 보라고 했습니다

세라믹바이오 제품으로 동그란 Ball 형태인데 이것을 세탁기에 집어 넣고 빨래를 하면 세제필요없이 3년이상을 사용할수 있는 친환경 제품입니다. 그간 우리집사람이 사용해 본결과 강추라 카는데
이유인즉선 일반 겉옷들, 땀이나 뭍은 물빨래는 전혀 세제 사용없이 해도 똑 같아 보이고 비누냄새가 안나서 좋다네요.그래서 린스를 덜 돌리니 수도물도 절약이 많이 된다 하네요
둘째 좀 때가 묻은 하얀빨래 종류는 세제를 1/5 정도 약간 넣어서 Laudry Ball과 같이 세탁했더니  때가 깨끗하게 나오고 이것도 비누를 아주 적게 사용해서 세제 냄새가 안날 뿐 더러 린스가 필요없어서 무지 경제적이라 합니다.

저희 집 사람왈 이것 3년동안 한가정에 하나 팔아서 다 팔아도 장사 되겠냐는 우려 인데, retail price가
$40입니다. 꼭들 한번 사용해 보시고 지역 dealer를 하실분이나 누구 소개 해 주실분 계시면 필라의 우리 유수현 동문(셀폰 215 869 0668)로 연락해서 같이 한번 비지니스를 키워 보았으면 합니다

저가 분명히 그때 Brochure를 몇장 받아 왔는데 잘 둔다고 둔것이 어디 두었는지 몰라서 자세히 소개를 못 드립니다. 동문 가정에 하나씩 주문해서 사용하실것도 권해 드립니다. 비누값 전혀 안들어 가니 그것도 몇년 하면 몇 천불 안되것나 그리고 수도세도 절약하고 , 옷에 비누냄새 안나고 어린애들 피부병 걱정 없고 이래 저래 참 좋은 제품입니다.
혹 홍성남 부회장이나 우리 이종하 동문님 그 웹주소 알면 좀 올려 주세요

댓글목록 3

이한영님의 댓글

이한영 2010.05.12 14:32
박명근 동문님<br />
안녕하세요? 오랫만 입니다<br />
위에 글에 좋은 정보를 올려 주셨는데...<br />
새로운 아이텀도 아닌 것 같구요<br />
아래 첨부하는 리뷰를 참조 하시면 제품을 원래 만든 회사와<br />
사용자의 의견이 많이 다른 것 같습니다. (참조 하시기 바랍니다)<br />
<br />
www.CleanNGreenBall.com <br />
www.aliceandlaw.com.hk<br />
www.stretcher.com/stories/971106a.cfm<br />
http://www.jennyreviews.com/home-and-garden/clean-n-green-laundry-ball/<br />
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The Question<br />
Laundry Detergent Balls - Any Good? <br />
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I have been seeing advertisements for a ball-type device which can be placed in the washer to take the place of laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and the like. It is reusable, and is supposed to clean clothing with less damage to cloth and machine. Have you used this product? If so, does it work? If so, how much does it cost (at the cheapest available place, of course) and how often does it need to be replaced?<br />
Laundered-out in Tulsa<br />
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The Responses <br />
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Editor's note: Readers responded with answers about both types of balls. Some claim that they replace detergent, while others are just a dispenser for your detergent. Still, there's a wide variety of opinion. You almost begin to wonder if we've rediscovered washing clothes using rocks at the side of the river. You'll need to make up your own mind!<br />
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An Expose <br />
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The Oregonian newspaper (not available online last time I checked) ran an expose on this product a couple months ago, which was in trouble for making unfounded claims from the Oregon Attorney General's office. It does nothing but bounce around in the wash, possibly providing slightly more agitation, but cannot and does not provide any change in the "ionic makeup" of the wash water. This is chemically impossible. It is one of those "if it sounds too good to be true it is" products. You could go purchase a toy ball and put it in your washer, it would be the exact same thing. Don't get scammed!!<br />
Lisa H in Aloha, OR<br />
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Laundry Balls Are Useless <br />
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I caught the tail end of a tv consumer segment on this product (or a similar one) this weekend. I missed all but the conclusion, so I'm not sure precisely how it was conducted (or by whom). The test was a) the ball; b) regular detergent; c) nothing at all. They could see no difference between the laundry washed with the ball thingy and the laundry washed with no detergent at all. Then they quoted the manufacturer as saying that they stood by their claims. The "regular people" who took place in the test seemed convinced that the product was useless.<br />
Kathy S<br />
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I Borrowed Neighbor's...<br />
It Worked! <br />
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A friend loaned us a laundry ball for a week to try it out. I was very doubtful, but it really worked. I washed about 15 loads of clothes, and they smelled, looked, and felt clean. They also didn't have static cling even when dried in the dryer (With one exception--I left a load of whites in the washer overnight, then dried them, and they were staticy). I was quite impressed, but still did not buy it. The price was $75 for one or $125 for two. They were guaranteed for 6 months, but supposed to last for about 2000 loads of wash. While, I could definitely save money over buying detergent and softener for 2000 loads, I was concerned that it would accidentally get in the dryer or get dropped and broken (I have 7 children so this is a real possibility) long before I had used it up. I would also be interested in talking to someone who had used it for a year or so and see if it still worked as well.<br />
Pat<br />
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A Scam <br />
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I, too, was almost lured into buying these ceramic laundry discs. After much research, I found information on the web about them. Although the discs are still very widely available, mainly through various catalogs, **they are a scam**. Their inventor, Paul Adams--a.k.a. Paul Jackson, Paul Rabbett, and Paul Johnson, pled guilty to related charges in New Zealand, and was fined $22,500 (source: The Press On-Line, Wed. Sept. 25, 1996). My personal tips for laundry are: 1. Use about 1/4 the detergent recommended; and 2. Don't use fabric softener every time--only use it occasionally. Instead, use a little white vinegar in the rinse cycle. Your clothes will be cleaner and you will save money too!<br />
Mrs. T W<br />
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Others Like Them...<br />
I Don't <br />
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I'm responding to the reader who asked about the laundry balls. I know several people who like them, but when I tried one I was extremely disappointed. I think somebody is making a lot of money off hogwash. My advice: don't do it!<br />
Tessa H<br />
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Didn't Work <br />
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My fathter-in-law purchased one of these balls for me. It cost him $75 and is supposed to last for 5 years. The ball was about the size of a tennis ball and the kind that had fluid in the inside. It would have been worth the money if it actually worked. I followed all of the directions and used it faithfully for 2 months. I also used the recommended borax for a boost to my extra dirty laundry (dishtowels, rags, etc.). At first it seemed like it was working fine, but we noticed that our clothes smelled off and no matter how many times I washed them, they still smelled. I'm back to using detergent and very glad I am. My recommendation would be not to waste your money.<br />
Anne<br />
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Unabashed Supporter of Laundry Balls <br />
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My wife and I have used the SuperGlobe for some time now and are pleased with the results. We use the TradeNet Marketing SuperGlobe because of the warranty and 60 day money back guarantee. The average retail price is $90. TradeNet has distributors nationwide and you'll likely find one in your area; you can call TradeNet at (813) 738-1222 for more information or the location of a distributor near you. The Globes last at least 3,000 washes, but DO NOT take the place of Fabric Softeners. They also do not add any fragrance, so my wife continues to use Softener and Dryer sheets. They do no damage to the machine and reduce tremendously the damage to clothes. 100% environmentally safe and we believe they do work. You'll also save tons of money in laundry soap; add up 3,000 washes in detergent and compare it with the cost of a Globe. With the guarantee it's a no lose situation to at least try it out; we should all be more concerned about our world. By the way, the laundry detergent manufacturers stand to lose millions of dollars to this technology and may benifit from spreading doubt, much like electric cars vs. the oil tycoons. You make the call.<br />
Bob C.<br />
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I Use Disks <br />
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I've used a laundry disk that works on the same principle. It works just fine. Took out stains, eliminated odors and b est of all, I didn't have to worry about spilling any. I would recommend this to everyone but most especially for people that are allergic to detergent or just have sensitive skin. Not to mention it keeps from polluting the water supply.<br />
Candy<br />
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Dispenser Type Works <br />
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I picked up my laundry detergent ball at our local Wal-Mart for about $2.00. I love it. All you have to do is put your fabric softner in it (liquid) and toss it in on top of the clothes and you are set to go..It dispenses the softner all by itself, you never have to worry about forgetting to add the fabric softner. I've had mine for over a year now and have not had to replace it and i do about 8-10 loads of laundry a week. It's a good buy!! I'd be lost without it!<br />
RR<br />
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No Better Than Water <br />
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I saw something on the news the other day regarding the laundry balls. They didn't clean any better than plain water. In fact one state is trying to ban the sale of them because of deceptive sales practices. The balls were analyzed and found to contain nothing but blue colored water. I know someone who was selling them for $79. I don't know about you, but I can buy a lot of laundry soap for $79.<br />
Karen<br />
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Disappointed <br />
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I have used the balls intended for fabric softener and was very disappointed. The softner part worked great but during the spin cycle the ball floated to the top, spun with the laundry and rubbed against the lip of the machine. This resulted in a ball with a deep groove in it often puncturing a hole. With softner leaking out of this hole during the washing process, I found that nearly every week, the ball had to be replaced. Not very frugal. I recommend either dryer sheets or the softner in a spray bottle mentioned a few months ago<br />
laura p<br />
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Avoids Irritated Skin <br />
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I've been using the laundry balls since summer because the detergent was making my skin irritated. I puchased them from QVC a tv shopping network they were about $17.00 for 2 balls. The instructions say you should let them dry in the sun after each use and for stains you should use a stain treatment. After using them for three weeks I got used to them, the wash did come out clean, smelled fresh and was soft even when they were line dried. P.S. they said the balls last about 60 washes or until the little beads inside get small and shake<br />
Ernest<br />
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Great Idea! <br />
<br />
The laundry ball is a great idea! I have tried it but only for fabric softener, its great for that though because I am constantly forgetting to add the stuff in the rinse cycle. I have never heard of it being used for detergent though, and it would seem a waste to use it for that since no one forgets to add soap at the beginning of the wash, although it might be good for powdered soaps not ruining the fabrics I suppose. I have seen them in stores for as low as $1.99, particularly the downey balls, but frankly I wouldnt use the downey fabric softener in it as it is so much more expensive than the store brands which do just as well of a job. And like I said before, if you are forgetful like I am, it comes in handy to have the ball do the remembering for you.<br />
Angela M<br />
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Buying Our Second Set of Laundry Balls <br />
<br />
We have been using a product for about three years now that we purchased from Seventh Generation catalog (800-456-1177) and later from Real Goods catalog (800-762-7325). The first set of three discs lasted about two years. We are now on our second set of three discs, but I have seen an add for one bigger unit that is supposed to take the place of the three discs. The new one in the Real Goods catalog is called a "Turbo Laundry Disc" and was listed at $49.95 (which is about what we payed for our three discs). It is supposed to be good for "up to 2 years (500 loads)". They are advertised to use instead of laundry detergent or with heavily soiled laundry - with a teaspoon or so of detergent. Our experience has been good over all. Greasy stains do not seem to wash out well and whites get a little dingy over time. But the clothes usually smell and look fresh and clean. I usually treat greasy stains with a little detergent before washing and I use a little detergent in with my whites.<br />
Nancy C.<br />

박명근님의 댓글

박명근 2010.05.12 15:00
http://www.ceramicdhp.com/<br />
이동문님<br />
<br />
오랫만입네다<br />
아마 나열하신 회사들은 딴 회사인것 같습니다<br />
유수현 동문이 취급하는 회사는 유일하게 FDA공인 받은 것이라 합니다<br />
상기의 웹을 참조  바라오며,  이번 뉴욕지부는 유동문으로부터 이 볼을 <br />
홀세일 가격으로 받아서 동문회기금 마련 자금으로 좀 판매를 해 볼려고 <br />
합니다. 저희집이 사용해 보았는데 아주 좋습니다<br />
물도 덜 사용하고 비누냄새도 안나고 일반 세탁물은  똑같구 단지<br />
때가 좀 절은 하얀옷에만 약간의 세제를 같이 넣어서 빨면 효과가 더<br />
좋다는 경험이네요.<br />
<br />
3-4년후 효과가 다 된것같은 냉장고 안에 넣어 두면 김치냄새등을<br />
제거 하는 등 마지막까지도 사용가능하다니 우리 유동문도 돕고<br />
나도 도움 보고 일석이조가 아닐까 싶네요<br />

이종하님의 댓글

이종하 2010.05.12 17:27
선배님 안녕하세요? 인터넷에 올라있는 대부분의 리뷰들은 경쟁사에서 올린 것이나 악의적인 것들이 많더라구요. 실제 IP 추적해보면 동일인이 이름바꿔 많이 올리는 경우도 많이 있습니다. 그래서 저는 요즘 인터넷 리뷰에 그렇게 믿음이 가지 않더라구요. 박명근 선배님처럼 직접 써 보는 방법이 제일 확실할 거 같네요.