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  • 접속자 45
재미 인하대학교 동문회


대학/대학원생 자녀들에게 장학금 신청기회

2008.01.15 18:30 1,650 3


대학/대학원생이나 자녀를 두신분들 아래 재미과학자회 장학금 신청해 보세요.

Reminder of 2008 KSEA/KUSCO Scholarship Application

As announced in early December last year, we are soliciting applications for the 2008 KSEA/KUSCO
scholarships to recognize outstanding students with Korean heritage both in undergraduate and graduate levels. For the details, please see the attached 2008-Scholarship-Announcement.

The online application website is http://scholarship.ksea.org/ and will be open until the application deadline February 15, 2008. We apologize if you have experienced any error previously in the online application process. However, the KSEA IT Director has just informed us that all the reported errors have now been fixed. For the back-up purpose this year, it should be noted that all application documents including official transcripts and recommendation letters as well as supporting materials (if any) are requested to be sent in duplicate by mail to  :

KSEA Scholarship Committee
1952 Gallows Rd., Suite 300
Vienna, VA 22182
                       (postmarked by 02/15/2008)

as previously announced.  Although not explicitly stated in the announcement, the examples of supporting materials are the test scores such as SAT for undergraduate freshmen or sophomores
and GRE, GMAT, etc. for graduate students.

We are looking forward to seeing many excellent applications continuously. Thanks for your paying attention to this important KSEA task.  

Best Regards,
KSEA Scholarship Committee Chair
Chueng-Ryong Ji

댓글목록 3

박명근님의 댓글

박명근 2008.01.15 19:26
최동문이 좋은 정보를 올리셨군요<br />
울집 애들은 공대쪽이 없으니 해당사항이 없는데<br />
다른 분들 댁 자제들이 많이 지원해 보시길 권해 드립니다<br />
<br />
그나 저나 뱅쿠버는 올해는 신년모임이 없이 그냥 지나 갑니까<br />
작년에는 최동문이 서두르니 뭐이 되는 것 같더이만

최강일님의 댓글

최강일 2008.01.16 15:14
박선배님 밴쿠버 신년모임 소식 제가 일단 지부게시판에 올렸습니다.<br />
메인게시판에 옮겨주시면 감사하겠습니다.

최강일님의 댓글

최강일 2008.01.16 10:53
12월 초에 계획했다가 눈으로 연기하고 이번주 토요일에 모입니다.<br />
그저께 연락받았습니다. 총무님께 웹에도 올리라고 했는데 아직 소식이 없나 봅니다.<br />
안되면 저라도 올리겠습니다.