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  • 접속자 29
재미 인하대학교 동문회



2008.04.04 17:04 1,819 0


http://nmc.ksea.org/NMSC2008/participatingchapters.asp자녀교육에 관심이 많으신 것으로 압니다.  전국에서 치뤄지는 행사인만큼, 자녀들을 참석시키시는 것도 좋을 듯 합니다.  

The Korean-American Scientist and Engineers Association (KSEA, www.ksea.org) is pleased to announce that the National Mathematics and Science Competition (NMSC) will be held on April 19, 2008. The KSEA NMSC is open to the 4th-11th grade students. The goal of the NMSC is to promote their interest in mathematics and careers in the fields of science and engineering. Students, parents and guardians who are interested in the NMSC2008 should contact chapter representatives for registration in respective chapter areas.

1. Important items

Time: April 19, 2008 (2:00pm, Eastern Standard Time)
Qualification: Students from 4th grade to 11th grade in schools in the US & Canada
Registration Period: March 3, 2008 - April 5, 2008 ( for the most chapters)  
Location: As determined by each participating chapter

The competition is in the form of a written examination. It will start at 2pm Eastern Standard Time (11:00am Pacific Standard Time) and will last

60 minutes for the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade; and
90 minutes for the 9th, 10th, 11th grade.

The location will be determined by each participating chapter and the qualification can be modified by a chapter if necessary. Each participating student may have to pay a small amount of fee determined by the local chapter which administers the exam in the relevant region. No calculators or rulers are allowed.

Some participating chapters will conduct information seminars for parents or guardians while students are taking the tests. Examples of the seminar topics are admission policies of universities, careers in science and engineering, financial plans for university education, introduction to KSEA, etc.

It is expected that each KSEA chapter will present the chapter awards following the exam on the same day. The nature of the chapter awards, which are different from national level awards, varies among chapters.

2. National-level awards

The KSEA HQ will announce recipients of the national level awards in approximately ten days after the competition.
The KSEA HQ will present three awards for each grade.
Each award will carry a cash prize of modest amount.

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