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재미 인하대학교 동문회


한국으로 연수기회-대학원생

2006.10.20 09:25 1,932 1


대학원생 자녀를 두신분들 중에 내년 여름 한국에서 연수 보내시고 싶으신 분들 읽어 보십시요.
대우가 괜찮습니다.

2007 Korea Summer Institute Program
Open for US Graduate Students in the fields of Science and Engineering

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) have been supporting the Summer Institute in Korea Program under the agreement between the US government and Korean government since 1995.

The program is to provide US graduate students in science and engineering field with first-hand research experience and an orientation to the Korean science, technologies, industries and culture. The primary goals of the program are to introduce students to Korean science and engineering in the context of a research laboratory, and to initiate personal relationships that will better enable them to collaborate with Korean counterparts in the future.

Eligibility of applicant: US graduate student (US Citizen or permanent resident) in science and engineering field

Duration: About eight weeks, from June to August, 2006

Host Organization: Universities, government-supported research institutions and private industry-affiliated research institutions in Korea

Allowances and Expenses
-        Round-trip Airfare
-        Stipend:  $4,000
-        Living allowances: 2,000,000 won (about $2,000)
-        Health Insurance, etc.

Application Deadline: December 12, 2006

Application and more information are available at:

Contact Points for Questions:

        Mr. Tony Teolis, Program Specialist
        Office of International Science and Engineering East Asia and Pacific Program
        National Science Foundation
        Email: eapinfo@nsf.gov

        Woo-Jin Lee, Program Manager
        Korea Science and Engineering Foundation Washington Office
        Email: kosef@mannam.com
        Tel: 703-893-9772

댓글목록 1

박명근님의 댓글

박명근 2006.10.20 14:20
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