New York Visit
Myung Jun Park
2006.12.13 14:16
Hello Mark Park!
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your wonderful alumnus and E mail that you sent my way
yesterday! It was such a treat to come home to all of those messages include Mr. Jungwoo Lee and Web site
waiting for me--I truly do have the most fabulous alumnus! Thanks!
As you all know by now, for my trip this year, I planned an long time elaborate surprise, and took me
to New York for a long weekend. since they came up from Washington, DC to surprise me Saturday
night Party. All eight of us had an amazing dinner on that night at a restaurant called Dai Ga( which
is a place that Mr. Lee remembering 38 Years story)
I hope everyone is having a great week! I can't wait to see you guys soon! Thank again for the New York
Myung-Jun Park
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your wonderful alumnus and E mail that you sent my way
yesterday! It was such a treat to come home to all of those messages include Mr. Jungwoo Lee and Web site
waiting for me--I truly do have the most fabulous alumnus! Thanks!
As you all know by now, for my trip this year, I planned an long time elaborate surprise, and took me
to New York for a long weekend. since they came up from Washington, DC to surprise me Saturday
night Party. All eight of us had an amazing dinner on that night at a restaurant called Dai Ga( which
is a place that Mr. Lee remembering 38 Years story)
I hope everyone is having a great week! I can't wait to see you guys soon! Thank again for the New York
Myung-Jun Park
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장용석님의 댓글
게시판을 통해서 박선배님 내외분이 동부에서 아주 멋지고 정겨운 시간을 보내셨음을 확인했습니다.<br />
박선배님과 이중우 선배님과의 38년만의 해후는 우리 동문회의 역사를 정리하는 계기가 되기도 한 것 같네요.<br />
멋진 여행을 하고 돌아오신 박선배님 내외분, 연말을 더욱 아름답게 장식하시길...
박명근님의 댓글
영문이라도 저희가 해석은 가능하므로 한 자 꼭 남겨 달라 부탁을 드렸더니만<br />
이렇게 방문해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다<br />
두분 내외분께서 다정히 이곳을 다녀 가셔서 반가웠습니다<br />
시애틀의 그 아름다운 동문회모임 잘 도와주시고 아름답게 모이시는 분들 언제 한번 단체로 가 뵙고 싶습니다. 그 옆동네가 밴쿠버인데 우리 최강일 동문도 만나고<br />
에이구 산다는게 뭔데 참 시간 내기가 아쉬우니<br />